
Know about PediaGold

PediaGold is a 100% whey protein based nutritional supplement for children above 2 years of age. PediaGold contains 41 nutrients to support optimum growth and development of children. A glass of delicious PediaGold provides nutrients like DHA, Choline, Taurine and Inositol for brain development and better performance. It also has FOS for better gut health and immunonutrients like Vitamin A,C,E, Zinc and Selenium for improved immunity.


Our vision is to create future healthier generations through good nutrition. Pedia Gold Nutrition aims to empower children and families to reach their full potential by having the energy and good health needed to accomplish their life goals.


Pedia Gold is… Child’s Healthy nutrition, health and wellness. Our mission of “Healthy Food, Healthy Life” is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.”

How PediaGold is already helping people

As the child grows older and more independent, they exhibit fussy eating which may hamper their nutritional goals. Consuming a quality nutritional  supplement like Pediagold may help in managing the nutrition gaps.

It helps in memory enhancement, vision development, learning and supporting in brain development by providing vital nutrients 

4 Branches

1 HO & 3 Manufacturing set up

47+ Cities

Total Cities served

6 years

Years of serving

10,000+ Customers

PediaGold Happy customers

Contact with nutritionist

Interested in good preschool education for your child? Our kindergarten is the right decision!